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A garden update:


The sunflowers are doing well. Flowering a month early in the Cobbled Garden at The Old White Horse, Bingley.

Broad beans healthy too.

The lavender is alive with Bees.

At home we have a regular supply of courgettes.

Runner beans starting to do their thing. Borage growing nearby is great for pollinators.

We've loads of Bees

this year. Wonder where they have come from!!

Runners need to be regularly watered especially once in flower and when pods form.

The updated advice from the RHS is not to mist or spray the flowers with water (as used to be advocated) as this has not been shown to help pods set and may actually deter bees!

Plenty of red flowers on the broadbeans and beetroot doing well.

Get in the fresh air and sun this weekend and enjoy the garden; yours or somebody else's 😀#

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