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  • hbhsharden

Gardening update:

Time to cut back and pull out some borage from the vegetable plot!

Once established borage can become invasive due to its rampant self-seeding and vigorous growth.

You can grow in pots to control it.

The Bees and other pollinators love borage. It's a helpful companion plant for courgettes and squashes.

I'm also dead heading and cutting back the chives; again so I can see what else is growing and to collect the seed heads. I collect in a large envelope. Give them a good shake so that the tiny

black seeds are left behind. The seeds can be scattered around now or if you prefer wait until spring or share with a friend.

Dividing clumps of chives is also a simple way to relocate or increase this brilliant herb.

I can now see the courgettes that are ready for picking and also the shallots that need to be lifted so they can dry a bit before being pickled. It's all go!

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